Lynn, Massachusetts | 30 rental units

Downtown Lynn Apartments

How can an urban housing project assimilate into the vibrant downtown Lynn context while simultaneously differentiating itself as a unique living experience?

Downtown Lynn Apartments


Located in the vibrant Downtown of Lynn, this 30 unit multifamily building has an interesting context. A prevalent art movement is taking place in Lynn, facades present themselves with murals from artists all around the world, relating to a complex modern experience. The movement has brought a lot of life and creativity to the downtown, creating a layer of information rich with colors and vibrant with personality.

This 6-story multifamily project has to accept the challenge presented by its context. Careful incisions on the façade, subtle color accented details, and pulled out balcony frames present an artful façade that recalls the murals that are layered within this context and provide a sense of place.

By pulling out the balconies we are able to extend the living space and provide space to be outdoors, interact with neighbors and enjoy the urban views. During the pandemic we learned that our private spaces have become remarkably important and providing a small way to step out of that space is has proven to be one of the most desirable aspects of a multifamily development.

H I G H L I G H T S 

  • Balconies for each unit

  • Roof Deck and Penthouse

  • 5-over-1 podium construction

  • Ground Floor Retail


C O L L A B O R A T O R S 

R|H Investment Group | WJ Projex | H+O Structural Engineering | BLW Engineers | Engineering Alliance Inc. | Framingham Survey Consultants Inc. |

Ricardo Rodriguez & Associates

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